Father Francis

Job: Traveling Friar


  • Writing in his leather-bound journal

  • Walking barefoot in grass

  • Chinese Herbal tea


  • Materialism

  • Traveling on rocky paths

  • Being interrupted during his evening prayers


Father Francis is Dumplingville’s beloved traveling friar, known for his kind heart, endless wisdom, and slightly quirky sense of humor. He travels between towns, offering guidance, compassion, and a comforting presence to all who need it. With a well-worn satchel filled with his treasured goods and a walking stick carved with symbols from his many journeys, Father Francis brings stories and life lessons from far-off places. Known for his peaceful demeanor and hearty laugh, he’s quick to offer a warm meal, a prayer, or a piece of timeless advice. Despite his humble nature, he’s a cherished visitor wherever he goes, and the townsfolk eagerly await his return each time he leaves.
