Dumpling Designs Tim Burr Lumberjack Dumpling Woodsman Dumpling

Tim Burr

Job: Lumberjack


  • Chopping Wood

  • The smell of fresh pine

  • His bird named “Chipper”


  • Blunt Axes

  • Critters stealing his lunch

  • Muddy Forest Paths


Tim Burr is Dumplingville’s hardworking and dependable lumberjack, known for his strength, precision, and love of the great outdoors. Dressed in his signature red flannel, sturdy boots, and carrying his trusty axe, Tim spends his days chopping wood and maintaining the forests around Dumplingville. A lover of nature and community, he ensures that every tree he fells is replaced, keeping the environment balanced and thriving. Tim’s hearty laugh and rugged charm make him a favorite among dumplings, especially when he’s sharing tales of his adventures in his beloved log cabin.
